Player Role Team Profile
Usama Aftab Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usama Basharat Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usama Butt Bowler Italy View Profile
Usama Mir Bowler Pakistan View Profile
Usama Munir Bowler Italy View Profile
Usama Shahroon Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usama Shikder All-Rounder Sweden View Profile
Usama Zahid Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Ushan Imantha Batsman Sri Lanka View Profile
Ushan Manohara Bowler Sri Lanka View Profile
Usman Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Adebiyi Batsman Nigeria View Profile
Usman Adil Bowler Afghanistan View Profile
Usman Afzaal Batsman England View Profile
Usman Afzal All-Rounder Sweden View Profile
Usman Aizaz All-Rounder Pakistan View Profile
Usman Ali Batsman Afghanistan View Profile
Usman Ali Bowler Spain View Profile
Usman Ali All-Rounder Spain View Profile
Usman Ansar Bowler Spain View Profile
Usman Arif Batsman England View Profile
Usman Arif All-Rounder Sweden View Profile
Usman Arif All-Rounder INT View Profile
Usman Arshad Batsman England View Profile
Usman Arshad Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Asghar Batsman Spain View Profile
Usman Ashraf Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Ashraf Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Azim Batsman Sweden View Profile
Usman Aziz Batsman Spain View Profile
Usman Baig Batsman Spain View Profile
Usman Ghani Batsman Afghanistan View Profile
Usman Gol Bowler Austria View Profile
Usman Hadi All-Rounder Germany View Profile
Usman Ishak Batsman Sri Lanka View Profile
Usman Jabbar Bowler Netherlands the View Profile
Usman Jabbar Bowler Sweden View Profile
Usman Jabbar Bowler Sweden View Profile
Usman Javed All-Rounder Taiwan View Profile
Usman Khalid Bowler Pakistan View Profile
Usman Khan Batsman United Arab Emirates View Profile
Usman Khan Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Khawaja Batsman Australia View Profile
Usman Liaqat Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Limbada Batsman Canada View Profile
Usman Malik Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Malik All-Rounder Netherlands the View Profile
Usman Malvi Batsman India View Profile
Usman Maroof Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Mazhar All-Rounder Sweden View Profile
Usman Mirza Bowler Spain View Profile
Usman Mohammad Batsman Hong Kong View Profile
Usman Mohammad Batsman Kuwait View Profile
Usman Munir Batsman United Arab Emirates View Profile
Usman Mushtaq All-Rounder United Arab Emirates View Profile
Usman Muzaffar Batsman England View Profile
Usman Pandit Batsman India View Profile
Usman Qadir Bowler Pakistan View Profile
Usman Quddusi Batsman Saudi Arabia View Profile
Usman Rafiq All-Rounder United States of America View Profile
Usman Rafique Batsman Sweden View Profile
Usman Raja Batsman Italy View Profile
Usman Saeed Batsman Norway View Profile
Usman Saeed Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Safi All-Rounder Sweden View Profile
Usman Sahi Batsman Norway View Profile
Usman Salahuddin All-Rounder Pakistan View Profile
Usman Saleem Bowler Netherlands the View Profile
Usman Sarwar Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usman Sarwar Bowler Sweden View Profile
Usman Shahid Batsman Thailand View Profile
Usman Shuja Batsman United States of America View Profile
Usman Tariq Bowler Pakistan View Profile
Usman Waheed Batsman Kuwait View Profile
Usman Zeb Batsman Pakistan View Profile
Usmangani Patel Batsman Kuwait View Profile
Ussiel Langeveldt Batsman South Africa View Profile