As the ongoing Test series between India and England hangs in the balance, locked at 1-1, anticipation mounts for the crucial Third Test set to unfold at the Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium in Rajkot on Thursday, February 15. Adding an intriguing dimension to the upcoming clash, the visitors have made a strategic adjustment in their playing XI, opting for the inclusion of pacer Mark Wood at the expense of spinner Rehan Ahmed.
In shedding light on this decision, captain Ben Stokes articulated the nuanced tactical considerations underlying the team’s bid to secure a decisive advantage in the fiercely contested series.
Ben Stokes on including Mark Wood in the playing XI
Stokes has expressed the team’s strategic decision to reinforce the bowling attack by bringing in an extra seamer for the crucial red-ball battle. The skipper highlighted that the move aims to maximize their chances of securing victory in the pivotal match. The Christchurch-born cricketer emphasized the collaborative decision-making process with coach Brendon McCullum and positioned himself as a conduit for player discussions regarding the team’s selections.
“Bringing in an extra seamer is the option we have gone with because we think that is going to give us the best chance of winning this week. Baz (Brendon McCullum) does all the good and bad news and I am there for the players to (have) any further conversations with that,” Stokes said while addressing the꧟ press🙈 conference ahead of the match.
Also READ: ‘Crazy good…the best in the world’: England seamer Ollie Robinson lavishes immense praise on India’s Jasp👍rit Bumrah
Ben Stokes on Rajkot’s pitch
Drawing from past experiences at the venue and current pitch conditions, Stokes mentioned that the wicket appears a bit “platey.” In light of these observations, the team opted for an additional seamer to enhance their chances of success in the upcoming duel. This move reflects the team’s adaptability to pitch conditions and focus on securing a favourable outcome.
“Taking a bit of knowledge from the last Test match we played here, albeit a long time ago, it was a pretty true, flat wicket. Looking at it today, it looks a bit platey but I think it’s a good wicket. Bringing in an extra seamer this week is the option we’ve gone with because we think it’s going to give us the best chance of winning this week,” the 32-year-old added.