Former Indian cricket team captain, MS Dhoni, recently celebrated his 42nd birthday in a heartwarming and unique manner. The cricketing legend shared a video of his birthday celebration on his official Instagram handle, giving fans a glimpse into his special day. The video showcased Dhoni cut𝔉ting a small cake and feeding his beloved pet dogs.
Dhoni is widely regarded as one of the greatest captains in the history of world cricket and has won the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. On his 42nd birthday, wishes poured in f👍rom his admirers and former teammates who expressed their love for the legendary cricketer.
Although Dhoni has al﷽ways been a private individual and shies away from the public eye, the enigmatic cricketer decided to provide a glimpse into his birthday celebration by sharinꩲg a video on Instagram. Accompanying the video was a message from Dhoni himself, thanking everyone for their warm wishes as he shared a peek into his birthday celebration with fans and well-wishers.
“Thanks a lot for all your warm wishes, a glimpse of what I did on my birthday,” Dhoni captioned his post.
In the video, Dhoni can be seen cutting his birthday cake, surrounded by his four-legged friends. As the cake is sliced, Dhoni affectionately feeds a piece to each of his pet dogs, showcasing the deep bond he shares with them. The heartwarming gesture by the two-time World Cup winner has left fans in awe💎 of his simplicity.
Here’s the video:
Thala's birthday gift 🎥💛 🦁
— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL)
The clip of Dhoni’s birthday celebration quickly gained attention and admiration from fans and fellow cricketers alike. Dhoni’s wife, Sakshi Singh Dhoni, also expressed her love and support 𓂃by commenting on the video with an array of emojis.
On the work front, the Jharkhand-born cricketer recently led Chennai Super Kings (CSK) to their record fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title. It is worth mentioning that Dhoni played the entire tournament with a knee injury and later underwent surgery after the event’s conclusion. He even promised his fans to return to the cash-rich league next season as a gift from his side tౠo them on the eve of the IPL 2023🍎 final.