India’s cricketing legend MS Dhoni celebrated his 42nd birthday on Friday, July 7. Among the many individuals who wished the former India captain on his birthday, young wicketkeeper-batter Rishabh Pant stood out by commemorating the occasion in a heartfelt manner. Pant celebrated his idol Dhoni’s special day by cutting a cake at the National Cricket Academy (NCA) in Bengaluru.
It is noteworthy that Pant is currently recovering from injuries sustained in a car crash last year and is undergoing rehabilitation at NCA. However, despite being physically distant from Dhoni, the Uttarakhand batter ensured that his role model’s birthday was marked with joy and respect. Pant even shared a special message for Dhoni accompanied by pictures of the celebration on his social media account.
Pant took to his official Instagram handle to share images of the cake-cutting ceremony. The ce🎉lebration by the 25-year-old reflected the close bond he shares with Dhoni.
“Happy birthday Mahi bhai. Aap toh ho nhi pass aapke liye cake cut leta hun mai. Happy birthday,” read Pant’s caption.
Having played alongside Dhoni in the Indian cricket team before the latter’s retirement from international cricket, Pant holds him in high regard. Dhoni’s mentorship and guidance have played a crucial role in shaping Pant’s cricketing career. Pant’s admiration for his idol was clearly evident in his wish for the Jharkhand batter. Many others from the cricket fraternity joi🐷ned Pant in wishing Dhoni a very happy birthday as well.
Speaking of Dhoni, the World Cup-winning skipper recently led Chennai Super Kings (CSK) franchise to their record fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title triumph. He even underwent knee surgery after the conclusion of the event and is currently spending quality time with his family at his home in Ranchi. On the other hand, Pant couldn’t feature in the IPL 2023 due to serious injures sustained in the car accident.