During the IPL 2023 tournament, Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) batsman Rinku Singh received invaluable advice from MS Dhoni, which he considers to be worth a million dollars. The recently-concluded season of the IPL will be remembered for Chennai Super Kings’ (CSK) remarkable fifth title victory and Rinku’s impressive feat of hitting five consecutive sixes in the final over against Gujarat Titans (GT), among other highlights.
Despite KKR finishing at the seventh spot in the points-table, it proved to be a breakout season for young Rinku. He 💃experienced a significant surge in performance🦩, accumulating an impressive total of 476 runs in 14 matches. His average of 59.25 and an outstanding strike rate of 149.53 showcased his exceptional abilities.
Throughout the tournament, the Aligarh-born cricketer openly shared his eagerness to seek advice from experienced players like Dhoni, Virat Kohli and others. He made it a point to absor🐬b all the knowledge he could from those who possessed greater experience in the game🧔.
𒆙Now, Rinku has revealed the guidance he received from Dhoni, widely regarded as one of the best finishers the cricketing world has ever seen, par𝓡ticularly in death overs situations.
“Mahi bhai is the best finisher, so I was asking him what the other ways to finish the game he told me, I was watching your batting, you batted well, he told me when the last over is going on, try to hit straight, let the bowler do what he wants to,” Rinku was quoted as saying to Sports Hour.
The IPL serves as a valuable platform for aspiring individuals to not only showcase their skills but also learn from and engage with seasoned players. Rinku’s conversation with Dhoni serves as a testament to the growth opportunities that the league offers. It highlights the significance of knowledge sharing and the exchange of experiences between senior and junior players, which plays a pivotal role in nurturing young talents and shaping the future of Indian cricket.