Natasa Stankovic, model-turned Serbian actress, has been married to Team India all-rounder Hardik Pandya since May 31, 2020. Recently, after their wedding vows were renewed in accordance with Hindu and Christian 🔥rituals, Natasa opened up about her first meeting with Pandya. She mentioned that despite spending many years in India, she had never come across a m༺an like him before.
In their viral going we𒈔dding trailer, Natasa revealed that she met Hardik through a mutual friend. Unlike the usual handshake, the cricketer hugged her even without knowing 💯her name.
“I went out with few of my friends and there was also a friend of mine who apparently was also HP’s friend. Then he walks in a hat, some kind of a shawl and blingy-blingy everywhere. In so many years in India, I had not seen such a person, such a persona. I was like, ‘What is this?’ ‘Who is this?'”
She added: “You know when you’re meeting someone for the first time, I was going for the hand and he came for a hug. Don’t know the name, nothing, he was just very friendly, that’s how we met for the first time.”
Meanwhile, Hardik expressed that he was captivated by Natasa’s beauty when they first met. The Baroda-lad completely forgot that he came to the party with two other girls.
“Once I sat on the table, I was only trying to talk to Natasa. She was obviously very good looking, pehle udhar hi bhai fisal gaya tha (that is where I fell in love with her),” Hardik said in his wedding traile🐻r shared by The Weddin൲g Story.
Hardik also stated that Natasa’s presence in his life made him achieve more on the professional front. “The way she gave me warmth, I started getting more solutions because she taught me how to find solutions. That learning in my love life taught me to achieve more and more in life. I also got more patient because it takes a lot of patience to live with Natasa,” he said.
Earlier this year in February, Natasa and Hardik had a lavish wedding ceremony in Udaipur. They initially renewed their vows in a Christian wedding and later followed Hindu rituals for another wedding ceremony. On May 31, 2020, they had a private wedding and were blessed with a baby boy named Agastya in July of the same year.