The shooting of a movie based on the life of legendary Australian cricketer Shane Warne has been put to a halt. The biopic, titled ‘Warnie,’ features actor Alex Williams portraying the role of the iconic leg-spinner and Marny Kennedy as Warne’s wife. However, an unfortunate incident occurred during the filming of a scene, leading to both actors being rushed to the hospital.
The incident took place while shooting an intimate scene, resulting in injuries that required bandaging and treatment for both actors. Marny has shared a detailed accountꦬ of the incident, shedding light on the severity of their injuries and how 💟the mishap occurred.
“It was during a little make out scene from when they [Shane and Simone] were younger, we were going down a corridor and we were meant to push into the bedroom and land on the bed, but we both completely missed the bed. We ended up sitting in the emergency room together, he with a bandage around his head and me with my wrist strapped,” Marny was quoted as saying to Australia’s Daily Telegraph.
“It was just Alex and I with our bleached hair, fully still in wardrobe, sitting there surrounded by elderly residents,” she added.
The biopic aims to depict the larger-than-life journey of the Aussie spinner, showcasing his rise as an international cricketing sensation and exploring the controversies he was involved in. Additionally, the film will delve into Warne’s relationship with English actress Elizabeth Hurley, with Shanti Kali taking on the role of the actress.
It is important to note that Warne, the Australian spin wizard, tragically passed away in 2022 due to a heart attack while vacationing in Thailand. The news of h💞is untimely demise left the entire 🎐cricketing community in a state of shock and mourning.
Warne left behind three child from his former wife Simone Callahan. The two parted away after a 10-year-long ma🔯rriage in 2005.