Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan is currently enjoying the success of her recent film, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, which has been warmly received by the audience. Alongside her co-star, Vicky Kaushal, Sara’s on-screen chemistry has captivated viewers and garnered praise. Despite her hectic promotional schedule, Sara took the time to address the rumours surrounding her alleged relationship with Indian cricketer Shubman Gill.
Speculation about Sara and Gill dating began when they were spotted together at an eatery in Mumbai. The pictures and videos of their outing quickly went viral, fuelling curiosity among fans about the nature of their relationship. However, Sara and Gill have opted to remain silent on the matter, choosing to kꦐeep their personal lives private.
In a recent interview with India Today, Sara was asked about the possibility of following in her grandmother’s footsteps and marrying a cricketer. The actress expressed that the profession of her potential partner holds no significance to her.
According to Sara, what matters more to her is finding someone who can match her on a mental and intellectual level. She humorously remarked, “Maybe not doctors; they will run away.” Sa🔯ra emphasized that the choice of profession plays a minor role in her selection of a life partner.
When questioned about the possibility of dating someone from the current Indian cricket team squad, Sara stated that she has not yet encountered the person she envisions spending her life with. She honestly expressed her belief that the individual she is destined to be with has not yet entered her life. Sara’s focus lies in establishing a deep mental and emotional connection with someone rather than solely considering the profession.
“I’ll be honest with you, I think, and I can say this with almost assurity, I think the person I am going to be in my life I have not met so far. I don’t think so,” added Sara.