India’s star all-rounder Hardik Pandya renewed his marital vows with his wife Natasa Stankovic in a grand and festive manner during the start of the year 2023. An unseen video from the same ceremony has now gone viral on the internet, where Hardik is heard offering Rs 5 lakhs to his sister-in-law Pankhuri Sharma to get back his shoes.
In the clip shared by a fan on social media, Pankhuri and Hardik can be seen having a playful conversation as the latter asks his sister-in-law to return his stolen shoes, but she asks for 1 lakh rupees in exchange. In response, Pa⭕ndya agrees to give her even 5 Lakh Rupees to get back his shoe pair. Although Pandya asks someone in the crowd to transfer the amount to Pankhuri, she jokingly refuses to hand over the shoes to 🦹him until the transaction is successful.
It is worth mentioning that sisters, cousins, and other female relatives of the bride steal the groom’s shoes at Indian weddings and ask for money or gifts in return. The tradition is popularly known as the ‘Joota Chupai Ritual♋’.
Here’s the video:
A🍃meeri ho to aisi ho. Hardꦉik Pandya jitna ameer hona hai life me
— CS Rishabh⭕ (Professor)👍 (@ProfesorSahab)
Hardik was recently seen in action in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023, where he captained Gujarat Titans (GT) and led the team to the event’s summit clash. However, he failed to lift the trophy for the second con✃secutive time and lost the ultimate battle to MS Dhoni’s Chenn🦂ai Super Kings (CSK). Notably, Hardik won the maiden trophy for GT in his debut season as a 💧skipper in IPL 2022.
Speaking of his form in the 16th edition of the IPL, the all-rounder scored decent 346 runs in 16 matches comprising two half-centuries. Meanwhile, Hardik’s international return is likely to be in India’s upcoming multi-format West Indies tour that commences from July onwards and features two Tests, three ODIs and five T20Is🀅.