‘Warnie’, a TV series on the life of late Australian cricketer Shane Warne got released on Sunday, June 25.
The first part of the series aired on Channel 9, with the second part scheduled to follo💮w on Monday. Ho❀wever, the opening episode has faced severe criticism on social media.
The release of the series has sparked controversy, particularly due to a scene depicted in the trailer. In the scene, Warne (portrayed by actor Alex Williams) was shown in a hotel room, straddling Elizabeth Hurley (played by actress Shanti Kali). Another scene rev🐓ealed the pair engaged in a passionate lovemaking ꦰsession.
Apart from these intimate scenes, the series showcases various aspects of Warne’s life, including his partying, drinking, gambling, and extravagant lifestyle with expensive sports cars. It also portrays moments where he walks onto cricket pitches, with adoring fans screaming his name.
Warne’s relationship with Liz Hurley garnered attention during their time together. Following his split from his first wife Simone Callahan in 2005, Warne and Hur⭕ley began dating in 2010 and got engaged the following year. Although they parted ways in 2013, they remained friends, and Warne once described their romance as the happiest time of his life.
In a tribute to Warne, Hurley posted a selfi🍸e with her former fiancé on social media in March, marking a year since his death.
The release of ‘Warnie’ has generated harsh reactions, with critics expressing their disapproval of the show’s content and portrayal of Warne’s love life.
Come on this hot garbage yoﷺu call looks like it was put together by a ꦇhigh school digital media class. Surely this is a joke
— Mark Jarrett (@MarkJarr)
Shane♉ Warne would be embarrassed!! And so should channel 9 and anyone involved in this
— brad kelly (@bradkelly16)
“Warnie” is absolutely h💙o🌳rrific. Honestly, who thought this was a good idea?
— James Moss (@Mossy_j)
I’ve had enough. This is an absolute disgrace and is tarnishing a legend of the game. It should have never seen the🌄 light of day. Shame on you
— Kyri Tsav (@KTsavaridis)
This special on 9 is the worst piece ༺of television I have ever seen.
— GavWav (@GavWav)