In a major development for cricket fans across Asia, the Asian Cricket Council (ACC) has officially accepted the proposal for a hybrid model for the upcoming 2023 Asia Cup. This means that the prestigious tournament will be jointly hosted by Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The decision was made during a meeting of the ACC, which was chaired by Jay Shah.
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), the designated host for the Asia Cup, had put forward the hybrid model as a solution to the long-standing dispute between the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and the PCB regarding the venue. The BCCI had expressed reservations about sending the Indian cricket team to Pakistan, leading to a prolonged stalem🍷ate.
Under the approved hybrid model, the tourꦫnament willꦆ span from August 31 to September 17 and will feature matches held in both Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This compromise allows Pakistan to retain its role as a host while accommodating the concerns raised by the BCCI.
The Asia Cup 2023 will feature a total of six teams divided into two groups. The top t💖wo teams from each group will advance to the Super Four stage, l💃eading to an exciting final match between the two strongest contenders.
One of the highlights of this tournament is the potential clash between arch-rivals India and Pakistan. Tꦗo ensure maximum excitement for fans, both teams are expected to be placed in the same group, which could potentially lead to three highly-anticipated India-Pakistan encounters during the 13-match championship.