Bollywood stars, Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal, who are currently busy promoting their upcoming film ‘Zara Hatke Zara Bachke’, were spotted attending the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023 final at Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium on Monday. As Chennai Super Kings (CSK) all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja hit the winning runs and guided his team to 5-wicket victory over Gujarat Titans (GT), Sara – who is reportedly dating young India sensation Shubman Gill – was seen jumping in joy and passionately cheering for the MS Dhoni-led side.
With a beaming smile, the actress enthusiastically clapped and screamed as Dhoni’s team secured its 5th IPL title by defeating Hardik Pandya’s Titans. Sara opted for a white crop-top paired with blue denims, while Vicky sported a black t-shirt, an oversized green shirt and blue denims. The duo couldn’t contain their happiness witnessing CSK’s thrilling victory.
Here’s the video:
The IPL finale turned out to be nothing short of a gripping climax in a movie. Originally scheduled for Sunday, the match was postponed to the following day due to incessant r⛄ainfall. Even on Monday, after GT completed their innings, it seemed like rain might dampen the excitement. However, the downpour subsided, and the match resumed after midnight, limited to a 15-over contest.
The fans were treated to an intense and n🔯෴ail-biting encounter that unfolded in the late hours of the night. The resumption of play added to the suspense and drama, making it a memorable finale for the IPL.