The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), on Tuesday, announced the details of the 2023-24 domestic season, which will begin with the Duleep Trophy from June 28. It’s worth noting that the domestic season’s early launch is due to India’s hosting of the 2023 ODI World Cup in October-November later this year.
India’s premier tournament Ranji Trophy will start on January 5, with the final slated to begin on March 14 next year. As many as 38 teams will be split into five groups for the Ranji Trophy. There will be four Elite Groups, each consisting of eight teams, and one Plate Group comprising six teams. The teams belonging to the Elite Group will compete in seven league-stage matches, with two teams from each group qualifying for the Quart𝐆erfinals.
After a three-season break, the Deodhar Trophy has been reintroduced to the calendar by the board. The tournament will be held from July 24 to August 3 and shall be played in six zones – Central, South, North, East, West, and North-East, just like the Duleep Trophy.
The Irani Cup, featuring the defending Ranji Trophy champions and the Rest of India, will commence on October 1. The Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy will start on October 16 and run until November 6. Similarly, the Vijay Hazare Trophy, which is the 50-over tournament, will be 🔯held between November 23 an🧸d December 15.
Additionally, the women’s domestic cricket season will get underway with the Senior Women’s T20 Trophy to be played from October 19 to November 9, and shall be followed by the Senior Women’s Inter Zonal Trophy that starts on November 24. The new year will begin with the Senior Women’s One-Day Trophy, commencing January 4, with the final slated 🎶for January 26.
“The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Tuesday announced the schedule of India’s domestic season 2023-24. The season will see a total of 1846 matches being played between the last week of June 2023 and March 2024,” read a BCCI statement.