Veteran India batter Shikhar Dhawan filed a case in Delhi’s Patiala House Court against his estranged wife, Aesha Mukerji, after receiving several th🐻reats regarding his image and cricketi🦋ng career.
According to reports, Aesha even passed on a few defamatory messages to the IPL franchise Delhi Capitals CEO, Dheeraj Malhotra, intending to tarnish Dhawan’s reputation.
Taking note of the same, the House Court has restrained Aesha from levelling defamatory allegations against the Indian cricketer. Dhawan and Aesha have a son Zoravar from their past marriage, and he is presently in his mother’s custody in Australia.
“Reputation of a person is dear to everyone and is considered as property of highest degree because materialistic property can be regained after loss but reputation cannot be regained once damaged. Therefore, it has got to be protected. However, it is equally true that if anyone has lawful grievance against someone, he or she cannot be restrained from venting out his or her grievance to concerned authority,” the judge said in the order passed o🦄n February 1.
Thus, the judge stated that if Aesha has any “real” grievance against Dhawan, she cannot be restrained from making any grievance to the concerned authority, but she can certainly be restrained from sharing her grievance against him with friends, relatives, peers of parties as well as from making it public even before approaching appropriate authority.
“Therefore, in these circumstances, she is hereby restrained till further order from circulating any of her grievance against Dhawan or her version of the dispute involved herein or the alleged defamatory and false material against the him, to social media, to print media or to any other’ forum or to friends, relatives or colleagues of the parties,” the judge added.
Dhawan and Aesha got separateꦅd in September 2021 after eꦡight years of marriage.