Former India players Yuvraj Singh and Suresh Raina recently engaged in a hilarious banter after the high-voltage clash between Mumbai Indians (MI) and Chennai Super Kings (CSK). The two-most successful franchises battled it out at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai on Thursday, where MI defeated CSK by five wickets to end the latter’s hopes of reaching into the playoffs of the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) 2022.
The Super Kings displayed one of their worst performances in IPL history, getting bundled out for a mere 97 – their second-lowest total in the lucrative league. Skipper MS Dhoni did play a handy knock of 36 runs off 33 balls, but apart from the veteran stumper, no CSK battꦛer could contribute well.
Daniel Sams‘ 3 wicket spell, combined with crucial inputs from Kumar Kartikeya (2/22) and Riley Meredith (2/27), made it a one-sided contest. In response, the Rohit Sharma-led side c🙈hased down the paltry target with few hiccups, winning the contest by five wic🔴kets to knock CSK out of the playoffs race.
After the disappointing show by the CSK b🦄atters, Yuvraj, who is known for his rib-tickling sense of humour, decided to troll his buddy and former Super Kings batter Raina. In a viral video, Yuvraj can be seen poking fun at Raina, asking him how he felt to see his former team get bowled out for a mere 97.
“Raina. Aapki team aaj 97 pe all out ho gayi hai. Kya kehna chahenge aap?” (Your team got bowled out for 97 tonight. What do you have to say?)
However, Raina came up with an epic response and said: “Main nahi tha uss match mein” (I wasn’t part of the match).”
Here is the video:
When Yuvraj Singh made fun 𝓰of CSK in front of Raina!😅🤜🤛
— VivekThakur (@thakur_vivek00)
Notably, Raina didn’t get any takers in the IPL 2022 mega auction and has joined the commentary team for the ongoing IPL c♈ampaign. The southpaw still remains one of the highest run-scorers in the cash-rich🅺 league, with 5528 runs in 205 matches.