The second leg of Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 started on Sunday (September 19) in Dubai. So far, three games have been played in the second phase. However, the COVID-19 has again come back to haunt the fourteenth season of the cash-rich league as news has emerged that Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) pacer T. Natarajan has tested positive in a scheduled RT-PCR Test.
According to a release by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), Natarajan and six close contacts identified by the medical team, including Vijay Shankar, Vijay Kumar (Team Manager), Shyam Sundar J (Physiotherapist), Anjana Vannan (Doctor), Tushar Khedkar (Logistics Manager) and Pe🍰riyasamy Ganesan (Net Bowler) have been placed in isolation.
The relieving update is that the rest of the SRH squad returned negative results on the RT-PCR Tests conducted this morning and will proceed to take part in tonight’s clash against Delhi Capitals (DC) at the Dubai International Stadium.
“Sunrisers Hyderabad player T Natarajan tested positive for COVID-19 at a scheduled RT-PCR test. The player has isolated himself from the rest of the squad. He is currently asymptomatic,” said BCCI in a release.
“The rest of the contingent, including the close contacts, underwent RT-PCR tests at 5AM local time this morning, and the test reports are negative. As a result, tonight’s game between Sunrisers Hyderabad and Delhi Capitals will go ahead at the Dubai International Stadium, Dubai,” the statement added.