Tamil Nadu clinched the 2021 Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy on Sunday when they defeated Baroda by 7 wickets in a one-sided final. After restricting Baroda to 120/9 in 20 overs, Tamil Nadu successfully chased the target with 12 ballsᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ to spare.
The Southern state has won both of its SMAT titles under the captaincy of Dinesh Karthik and lost by just one run against Karnataka🌼 in the 2019-20 final.
After opting to bowl first, Tamil Nadu spinners reduced Baroda to 36/6 in 8.5 overs, with Manimaran Siddarth, w༺ho was playing his first game of the season, taking three wickets in🎉 his opening spell.
However, Vishnu Solanki (49) and Atit Sheth (29) then steered Baroda out of hot water, while Bhargav Bhatt (12 not out off 5) played a handy cameo to take his side’s total above the 100-run mark.
In the chase, TN started cautiously but a low target allowed their batsmen to bide time on the crease, eventually chas💯ing the score in 18 overs.
Here’s how Twitter reacted:
Congratulations on winning . It has been a great tournament. Amazing to see so many youngsters contributing in the game in such high spirits. Well do♉ne!
— Suresh Raina🇮🇳 (@ImRaina)
Tamil Nadu Cha𝕴mpions!! 2nd title in the bag for !! 👏👏👏
— Ashwin 🇮🇳 (@ashwinravi99)
Congratulations , D. VASU and for lifting the for the 2020/21. play❀ed excellent cricket through out. The tournament. . Kudos to for organizing it in such an exemplary manner amidst this pandemic
— R SRIDHAR (@coach_rsridhar)
Quite incredible that two title༒ wins 13 years apart come under the same captain!
— Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha)
From a one run ꦅl෴oss to a dream run like a boss. Congratulations .
— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL)
win by 7 wicket🐼s against and are the new champions as they lift the . Well done and his men for 𒐪the convincing win.
— Sreedhar Pillai (@sri50)
Tamil Nadu Wins their 2nd Sye👍d Mustaq Ali Trophy!— Gujarat Cricket Associat♛ion (Official) (@GCA𝄹Motera)
Congratulations for winning the
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus)
In the end it was quite an e𝐆asy win ! Congratulations ! Well deserved ! One set of Men in yellow have done it , now waiting for the other set !
— Vijayakarthikeyan K (@Vijaykarthikeyn)
Congrats buddy
— Niall John O Brien (@niallnobiobrien)
What a sweet way to start the year!!! It’s been an amazing run this f🌊or . Love꧅d each and every moment throughly Amazing team effort, couldn’t be more happier!!
— Jagadeesan (@Jagadeesan_200)
Finally. 🏆 Champions— Prabhu (@Cricprabhu)
are the champions, well lead by
— Sathish Kumar M (@sathishmsk)