Rishabh Pant is chilling out with former India captain MS Dhoni these days. The 22-year-old has returned from a successful tour of A𒆙ustralia where he guided Team India to a historic win in the fourth and final Test at the Gabba last week.
Following his batting heroics in Aust🔥ralia, Pant spoke at length about being comp🦄ared with legendary Dhoni.
“You feel amazing when you are compared to someone like MS Dhoni and you compare me with him,” Pant told reporters after landing in Delhi.
“It’s amazing but I don’t want to be compared with anyone, I want to make myself as a name in Indian cricket, because it’s not good compare some legend with some youngster,” he said.
In the meantime, MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi has posted a photo on her Instagram account with MSD and Pant. The♋ CSK skipper can be seen talking to his friends over a video call🅺 in the picture.
As Sakshi enjoys a masﷺsive following on social media, the unseen picture of Mahi and Pant soon becam꧅e the talk of the town.
Sakshi’s latest photo has already garnered over three million likes on the photo and video-sharing platform.