Bollywood actress and producer Anushka Sharma was spotted smiling and giving flying kisses to Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) skipper and husband Virat Kohli after the latter scored an unbeatable 90 off just 52 balls during an IPL match against Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in Dubai on Saturday (October 10).
Anushka cheered and clapped as Virat led RCB from the front and played an important role in helping hi꧑s win the game by 37 runs.
Twitter was soon flooded with the pictures and videos of Anushka as she flaunted her baby bump in a royalౠ blue dr꧂ess.
— sanj (@barchiesvirat)
— Ashutosh Yadav (@yadav_ashu3222)
What a picture, What a moment.!! Virat Kohli & Anushka Sharma ❤️!🎶!
— CricketMAN2 (@ImTanujSingh)
couldn’t help but applaud as led with yet another 🍃impressive knock. Currently, the skipper is the highest run scorer in followed by .
— Filmfare (@filmfare)
Anushka reached Dubai before the start of the IPL 2020, but she was not spotted at the venue so far. It is to be noted that Anushka is five months pregnant and🙈 the couple is expecting the arrival of their first baby in January 2021.
And then, we were three! Arriving Jan 2021 ❤️🙏
— Anushka Sharma (@AnushkaSharma)