Team India captain Virat Kohli made all of his fans happy last month when he announced the news of his actress wife Anushka Sharma’s pregnancy. He made the big announcement with a 𒐪picture on social media and, on Sunday, Anushka shared a photo flaunting her baby bump and penned down a sweet note along with it.
“Nothing is more real & humbling than experiencing creation of life in you. When this is not in your control then really what is?” she wrote.
Virat, in no time, dropped an adorable comment on Anushka’s photo. It read as “My whole world in one frame.”
Earlier, during an interaction with RCB Bold Diaries, Virat was asked about becoming a dad. To which he replied, “It is an incredible feeling. It puts things into perspective for you. It is a beautiful feeling. It is difficult to describe how you feel, but when we found it, we were over the moon.”
“When we announced, the kind of love that was showered on us it was amazing. People were genuinely so emotional and happy for us. We are looking forward to the third member joining the clan,” he added.
The 31-year-old also spilt beans on spending time with Anushka during the lockdown. He stated, “Anushka and myself were home, we never got so much time to be together, to be honest, since the time we started seeing each other. This was the longest we got to spend together. Just being home, just being in your own home with the person you love, you couldn’t ask for anything better.”