Team India captain Virat Kohli and his actress wife Anushka Sharma are spending the isolation time together, enjoying the small pleasures of life at their home in Mumbai. The two are cooking together and a recent video uploaded by Anushka on her Instagram hints that the life of a star couple is different📖 from any other household.
In the latest post, the Bollywood diva showed her ‘darling hubby’ Virat measuring poha on a weighing machine and being precise to an exact figure of 100 grams.
Virat was seen adding and subtracting a few poha flakes to get an accurate reading of 100 grams on a small weighing machine placed in the kitchen. Sharing a clip on her Instagram stories, Anushka wrote, “Measured eating in this house courtesy @viratkohli” along with a laughing and a heart emoji.
Anushka Sharma 's Instagram story 🥰😂😂😂😂😂❤
— Avani (@avni96811008)
The lockdown🍬 period can be termed as a blessing for the celebrity couple as this has provided them with ample amount of time to spend with each other. Both Virat and Anushka are involved in demanding jobs wꦬhich take up a significant amount of their time. As a result, the two hardly gets to spend some quality time together.
During an Instagram live session with former England cricketer Kevin Pietersen, talking about the lockdown, Virat had revealed that this is the longest time they have spent together with each other. “It is the longest we have spent together in one place since we have been married. We have never been in one place for so long at the same time. It’s bizarre. It’s not a good thing to single out this as an opportunity to spend time. But it is what it is. We have to be positive and we are being cautious. These are strange times,” he had said.
Last week, even Anushka admitted that owing to their busy schedules, the couple has n☂ot spent a lot of time together since their wedding in 2017.