On Wednesday, numerous fans celebrated the first retirement anniversary of former India star batsman Yuvraj Singh, by making the hashtag ‘Miss You Yuvi’ a top trend on microblogging website Twitter. The admirers of Punjabi stalwart went down memory lane to remember some of his most exceptional performances in the limited-overs setup in India colours.
To thank his supporters for the immense love and affection th🌺ey showed, Yuvraj issued a heartfelt note stating each fan will be an irreplaceable part of him.
“Dear fans, I am overwhelmed and full of gratitude! Cricket will always be my life, just as each of you will always be an irreplaceable part of me. As responsible citizens, let’s continue to follow the govt’s instructions on Covid-19 & do our very best to help those in need!” tweeted Yuvraj.
— Yuvraj Singh (@YUVSTRONG12)
Even the iconic Sachin Tendulkar reminisced the days when he first noticed Yuvi during a camp in Chennai. The ‘Master Blaster’ said that he realised soon that Yuvraj has fantastic six-hitting ability.
“It’s been a year since You(Vi) retired… My first memory of you was during the Chennai camp & I couldn’t help but notice that you were very athletic & deceptively quick at Point. I needn’t talk about your 6 hitting ability, it was evident you could clear any ground in the world,” tweeted Sachin.
It’s been a year since You(Vi) retired..
My first memory of you wa෴s during the Chennai camp & I couldn’t help but notice that you were very ಌathletic & deceptively quick at Point. I needn’t talk about your 6 hitting ability, it was evident you could clear any ground in the world.
— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt)
Soon after, Yuvraj responded to Sachin’s tweet and recalled his first meeting with the batting genius. The 38-year-old expressed his gratitude to the Mumbaikar for guiding him throughout his career, primarily under challenging stages.
“Thank u, Master. When we 1st met, I felt I have shaken hands with god. U’ve guided me in my toughest phases. U taught me to believe in my abilities. I’ll play the same role for youngsters that you played for me. Looking 4wd (forward) to many more wonderful memories with you,” Yuvraj wrote on Twitter.
Thank u Master. When we 1st met, I felt♈ I have shaken hands with god. U’ve guided me in my toughest phases. U taught me to believe in my abilities. I’ll play the same role for youngsters that you played for me. Looking 4wd to many more wonderful memories with you🙌🏻
— Yuvraj Singh (@YUVSTRONG12)
Yuvraj kicked-off his career in the 2000 ICC Knockout ODI tournament. Overall, the Chandigarh-born has appeared in 40 Tes🥀ts, 304 ODIs and 58 T20 Internationals for India. He has amassed 8,7♐01 runs in ODIs, 1900 in red-ball cricket and 1177 in the shortest format.