The news of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s tragic and untimely demise has left the entire nation mourning. Sushant’s fans, friends, members of the entertainment industry and several sportspersons are expressing their grief on the death of the 34-year-old actor. He committed suicide at his Bandra residence in Mumbai on Sunday.
However, one person who is quiet amid these circumstances is the man whom Sushant immortalised by his performance on the big screen – Mahendra Singh Dhoni.
The former Indian skipper’s business manager Arun Pandey, on Monday, said that Dhoni was in utter disbelief after hearing the news of Sushant’s demise.”We can’t even believe what has happened. I am not in a position to express my grief. Mahi is also very morose. Such a tragic incident,” Pandey told ABP Ananda.
“Sushant was only 34, and a prosperous career was waiting for him, I have no doubt about that. There are ups and downs in everyone’s life. Sushant used to practice under the watchful eyes of former cricketer Kiran More who taught him how to keep wickets, which was very essential to play the role of Mahi,” he added.
“I still remember that Sushant had a bad side strain during practice, and even there was a crack in his backbone. But he was confident, worked hard in rehabilitation and recovered within a week. Even Mahi was impressed to see his dedication to work.”
A🍷run further stated that it was not easy for Sushant🐎 to play the role of Dhoni on-screen, but the Patna-born actor made it look easy.
“Sushant worked whole night to assimilate the script. He was desperate to play the role with perfection. He used to say that since he got the opportunity to portray Mahi on screen, he will give his best. It was not easy to play the role of Mahi on screen. But Sushant made it look easy. Mahi and we all knew that he was the best person to play the character,” Pandey concluded.
Also, film director, producer and screen-writer Neeraj Pandey reportedly called up Dhoni on Sunday afternoon to convey the sad news of Sushant’s death.
“Apart from calling Mahi Bhai, I have also called two of his best friends Mihir Diwakar and Arun Pandey. They all seemed very upset with such a piece of terrible news. Mahi Bhai was in a shock to hear the news and got shattered,” Neeraj was quoted as saying by