India star batsman KL Rahul took to Instagram to share a picture of him drinking coffee and declared his love for the drink, but fans on the photo-sharing site had something else on their mind when they saw the picture. Netizens were quick to remind the flamboyant cricketer of his appearance in filmmaker Karan Johar’s talk show ‘Koffee With Karan’ in January 2019, which led to a suspension for Rahul and all-rounder Hardik Pandya for their spicy comments.
Apart from being sent back from the Australia tour that Rahul and Hardik were in thꦕe middle of when the episode aired, the duo was later fined Rs 20 lakh each by the BCCI. Ombudsman D.K. Jain directed the players to pay Rs 1 lakh each to the widows of 10 constables in paramilitary forces who had lost their lives on duty.
KL and Pandya were also asked to deposit Rs 10 lakh each in the fund created for the promotion of cricket for the ꧒blind in the country.
Rahul’s latest post reminded people of the entire episode. However, the Indian captain Virat Kohli took a different jibe at his teammate. He tried to troll the 28-year-old by saying, “Cup ganda hai.”
After reading this comment from Kohli, Rahul was quick to comment. He came up with a perfect reply to the Indian skipper, “lekin dil saaf hain.”
Kohli and Rahul were seen in action last time during India’s tour of New Zealand earlier this year. After returning home, India’s series against South Africa was cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Indian players have not yet started their training as the travel restrictions haven’t been appropriately lifted in the country.
India’s next series has been scheduled against Australia in Down Under. The two teams will face each other in three T20Is, four Tests and three ODIs.