Team India captain Virat Kohli, on Sunday, indulged in a candid live session with Indian star footballer Sunil Chhetri and there let out quite a few secrets about his married life. Amidst a host of questions, during the conversation, one that caught everyone’s attention was when Virat revealed that he has never formally proposed to wife Anushka Sharma.
Speaking about it Virat said, “Mera yeh maana hai ki agar jab aap life khul ke jeete ho aur pyaar karte ho toh koi special day na toh Valentine’s Day kuch hota hai. Every day can be Valentine’s Day and special. And what Anushka said is completely true, we never felt like we needed to do that, we knew that we were going to marry each other, there were no doubts about it ever. So once we knew that everything is going smooth, we were super excited to start our life together. And organically things went on.”
Virat also admitted that he was ‘self-centred’ before he met Anushka. “I say that because when she came into my life, everything negative in me changed for good. I have always mentioned that before I met her I was very self-centered. Very focused on what I like to do, what I need to do. Having my comfort zone was a big thing,” the Indian skipper said.
He continued, “When you meet a person that you love, you want to do things for the other person. You have to open up. And the constant conversations we always had was — it is not always thinking about yourself, it is about companionship. And that is something she taught me when she came into my life. I was very self-centered before that. My life completely changed because I started looking at her and what can I do for her.”
Virat further revealed that they had used fake email ids and names to plan their wedding. He stated that it was all very well managed and planned by Anushka and he may not have been a🦩ble to do it as discr🙈etely. Virat and Anushka tied the knot in a dreamy affair on December 11, 2017, in Italy.