Team India captain Virat Kohli and his actress wife Anushka Sharma took to Twitter and mourned the death of their pet dog ‘Bruno’. The canine was a part of Kohli’s family for the last 11 years and the Indian talisman shared a photo of his pet with a heartfelt message stating, “Rest in peace my Bruno. Graced our lives with love for 11 years but made a connection of a lifetime. Gone to a better place today. God bless his soul with peace.”
Rꦦest in peace my Bruno. Graced our lives with love for 11 years but made a connection of a🌄 lifetime. Gone to a better place today. God bless his soul with peace 🙏❤️
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli)
Anushka also shared a selfie posing with Virat and Bruno with the caption, “Bruno RIP” adding three black heart emojis.
As per a Cricket Country report, Virat once said, “When I come back home after a match or a tour, Bruno is the first one to greet me and jump all over me. He is truly a bundle of joy. I take him out for walks and runs whenever I can. I love spoiling him with treats occasionally. And I also take him out on weekend trips. Once, we took our pet with us up on a drive to Mussoorie, and he loved the wind on his face! He had his head out of the window for most of the drive. There are many more memorable moments together.”
Meanwhile, Virat and Anushka have been quarantining during the coronavirus lockdown. They’ve put out several public service messages during this time, urging their fans and followers to respect government guidelines, practice social distancing and proper hygiene.