Known for giving couple goals, Team India captain Virat Kohli and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma are making the most of the lockdown phase by spending quality time together in Mumbai. With the entire world at a standstill amid coronavirus pandemic, celebs are confined to their respective homes like the other citizens. Both Virat and Anushka have not only joined the nation’s fight in combating the deadly virus, but they are also frequently using various social media handles to connect with their fans and followers.
In a bid to lift up the mood of the people during the testing times, Virat featured in a hilarious video shared by his wife Anushka on Instagram. In the video, the Indian skipper can be seen walking around the house like a ‘Dinosaur’ and imitating the voice of the extinct-reptile as well. “I spotted…. a dinosaur on the loose,” Anushka captioned her post.
The video uploaded by Anushka instantly became the talk of the town and has garnered over 70 million views on the photo and video-sharing social networking service. Reacting to Anushka’s latest Instagram post, Tollywood actress Kajal Aggarwal wrote: “Hahahaha”.
Other celebrities who commented on the post were Ranveer Singh who simply wrote ‘Whutt’ with a teasing emoji. Zareen Khan, Karan Wahi, Sania Mirza and Siddharth Chaturvedi also dropped smilies on the video.
Anushka’s brother Karnesh wrote, “This lockdown is bringing all kind of creatures outside @anushkasharma.” Replying to him, Anushka wrote: “It’s better these creatures come out than us going out.”
Meanwhile, Virat and Anushka have already done its bit in terms of helping the government and the frontli𒐪ne workers during this pandemic. Aꦜpart from donating a significant amount to PM CARES and the Maharashtra CM Relief funds, they even gave Rs 5 lakh each to Mumbai Police Welfare recently.