The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), on Wednesday, suspended the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 indefinitely. The 13th season of the IPL, scheduled to start on March 29, was earlier suspended till April 15, but with the nationwide lockdown enforced to fight the novel coronavirus in India extended till May 3, the BCCI ha💯s called🌠-off the eight-team tournament until further notice.
The BCCI may 🌠or may not consider a September-October win𝓀dow and this call will be taken depending on the global situation.
The decision has come a day after India ꧂Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the extension of the lockdown, which has been in the country since March 24.
It has also been reported that IPL COO Hemang🌊 Amin informed all the eight franchises about 🍷the suspension on Wednesday morning itself.
“Yes, the BCCI has intimated us that IPL has been postponed for the time being but they are hopeful of finding a window later this year as and when things normalise,” a veteran franchise official told PTI.
The tournament’s stakeholders including franchises and the players will now be facing a financial setback due to the event’s suspension. At the 2020 IPL auction, eight franchises bought a total of 62 players spending Rs 140.30 crore overall.
The players bought in the auction will 𒉰not receive any money until the tournament is held.