India star batsman KL Rahul is rumored to be in a relationship with Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty. And their hush-hush affair never fails to grab headlines. While the lovebirds may take time to make it official, but their social posts for each other, definitely their fans and followers a lot about 𓃲what is brewing between them. Just like this latest one.
Athiya recently tried her hand at𓄧 cooking and baked a loaf of banana bread for her Rahul. But, it burned. And Rahul took this opportunity to troll his alleged girlfriend.
Rahul shared glimpses of how he expected the bread to be and how it turned out, in ‘expectation vs reality’ style post.
Tagging Athiya, Rahul first shared a mouth-watering image of a banana bread loaf with the text, “Gluten free sugar free banana bread. Expectation.” The next picture showed a completely burnt loaf of bread and tagged Athiya with the text “Reality”. The third image, which was taken from the upper angle, showed that only one side of the loaf was burnt. The text said, “Banana bread with a side of burnt.” Athiya was tagged in the last picture as well.
It was not the first time KL Rahul posted something with Athiya Shetty. On he🐓r birth🐼day in November last year, Rahul shared a picture with her on his Insta story.
The same year, when Athiya’s father Suniel Shetty was asked if his daughter is dating Rahul, the actor told the media, “I am not having the relationship. You will have to ask Athiya.”