Reports emerged a few days ago that South Indian actress Anushka Shetty is set to tie the knot with an Indian cricketer hailing from North India and playing in the ongoing Ranji team. On hearing this news, fans lost their calm and have been trying to figure out the cricketer who stole Anushka’s heart.
However, Anushka has finally opened up o♕n the matter and has quashed all the rumors of getting marriedꦜ to any cricketer.
According to the Times of India, the Baah🔜ubali actress has termed the rumors as stupid and baseless and also went on to say that all such fake news makes he🍃r upset.
Anushka, meanwhile, went on to reveal that she will be getting married soon, and it will be an arranged marriage. Few reports have also suggested that the South beauty will be quickly wrapping up her ongoing assignments and tie the knot to a person of her parents’ choice.
Earlier it was reported that Anushka is dating her Baahubali co-star Prabhas and even their wedding ru♐mors spread all over like wildfire. Bo🐼th consistently denied the reports, and then it was being said that Anushka has moved on and is dating a cricketer.
On the work front, Anushka will next be seen on the big screen opposite R Madhavan and Shalini Pandey in her upcoming move Nishabdham. The movie’s release date has been delayed and is now scheduled to release in April this year.