The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Thursday announced the new player contracts for Team India (senior players), with four grades dividing the players. Notably, former India captain MS Dhoni was dropped from the annual contract list, raising fresh doubts on the future of the veteran wicketkeeper-batsman, who has not played since Men in Blue’s heartbreaking loss at the 2019 Cricket World Cup against New Zealand in the semi-finals.
Once the news broke out, social media has been 𓄧abuzz w𒀰ith reactions.
Time changes everything. People change
Memories don’t
👍🏻— Anubha Tripathi (@AnubhaTripathi_)
We miss Helicopter shots,we miss those stumpings,we miss No.7 jersey,we miss those catches behind the stumps,we miss coolest man on the field
Cricket isnt sme widout U"Dhoni finishes off 🐠in style" want 2hear those words again
— Pooja (@Pooja__tweets)
Dhoni 😭💔
— kaala tika 🌚 (@anttshant)
Thank you Dhoni Nobody Can Match Your Skills 😢
End Of An Era..— Syed Arshad (@arshad2399)
One of the biggest names in world cricket, Dhoni led India to two world titles – the 2007 T20 World Cup in South Africa and the 2011 ODI World Cup on home soil.