Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul faced severe criticism following their appearance on ‘Koffee With Karan’, the famous reality show hosted by Hindi film-maker Karan Johar. Pandya had brazenly bragged about his prowess with women on the show, and it was not received well.
Pandya announced his engagement with Serbian actress Natasa Stankovic on New Year’s day during their vacation in Dubai and the news had taken the internet by storm.
Regarding the criticism, he received for the misogynistic remarks on the chat show, the all-rounder stated that ‘the ball wasn’t in his court’ and he had no clue of proceedings from thereon.
“We as cricke🐼ters did not know what was going to happen. The ball was not in my court, it was in some else’s court where they had to take the shot and that’s a very vulnerable place you don’t want to be,” Pandya was quoted as saying in India Today.
For the uninitiated, Hardik and Rahul were issued notices by the BCCI after their controver♏sial remarks during the show. They were suspended from the team due to which they could not play the ODI series against Australia.