Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty celebrated her 27th birthday on Tuesday. Athiya received many winsome birthday wishes from her friends and fans. But one post that has ma꧟naged to catch all the attention was from her rumored beau KL Rahul.
Speculations are rife that Athiya Shetty has been dating Team India batsman KL Rahul for a while. The duo is still about their relationship but it seems that their social media PDA is finally making it official. On Athiya’s special day, Rahul posted a candid picture. The 27-year-old has been low-key about his personal life but on Athiya’s birthday, he posted an adorable picture and simply captioned it as “Happy Birthday” with a monkey emoji.
In a reply to the story of the Karnataka-bor💦n cricketer, the gorgeous diva r꧙eplied with heart emojis and also mentioned the name of KL Rahul in it.
At a time when Rahul and Athiya had been in the🎶 news for their rumored romance, fashion designer and film producer Vikram Phadnis let the cat out of the bag and partially confirmed it all. He made headlines with his comments teasing the actress with the cricketer.