Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, took to Twitter to wish Indian cricket team’s star batsman, Shikhar Dhawan, a speedy recovery on Thursday, which went viral on the microblogging site after the latter was ruled out of the World Cup 2019 with a thumb fracture.
PM Modi retweeted a video that Dhawan shar💝ed with his fans after he was officially ruled out of the ongoing World Cup and stated that the pitch will miss the swashbuckling opener. He also wi🐈shed him a speedy recovery and hoped that the southpaw will be back on the field to score more runs for the country.
“Dear Dhawan, no doubt the pitch will miss you but I hope you recover at the earliest so that you can once again be back on the field and contribute to more wins for the nation,” PM Modi wrote in his post.
Dear , no doubt the pitch will miss you but I hope you recover at the earliest so that you can once again be back on the field and contribuౠte to more wins for the nation.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi)
The 33-year-old Dhawan sustained an injury during India’s World Cup 2019 fixture against Australia. He was hit on the thumb by a rising delivery from Pat Cummins.
Dhawan continued to bat and scored a match-winning ton against the defending champions. But after the match, he went through 🙈scans and was ruled out of the tournament as he requires two weeks time to recover.
On Wednesday, an emotional Dhawan posted a video on his social media accounts. The video featured him saying, “Hello everyone, just wanted to show gratitude for all the love and prayers you are showering me with. Unfortunately, the World Cup is over for me as my thumb will not recover on time. So I am going back and will try to recover fast for the next challenge ahead. The boys are doing a great job and will hopefully win the World Cup, so keep praying for them.”
Rishabh Pant has been named as Dhawan’s replacement in the squad and he has joined Virat Kohli & Co. in England. The Men in Blue are currently placed fourth in the table with seven points. They will next face Afghanistan on June 22.