Team India players seemed in high spirits as they went out to watch the new Bollywood movie ‘Bharat’ in Nottingham on Tuesday. The Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif-starred flick hit the theatres on Eid last week and the Indian cricketers took this opportunity to catch up on some entertainment before getting on with business in the ongoing ICC Cricket World Cup 2019.
Kedar Jadhav, who is a 🌳die-hard Salman Khan fan, had MS Dhoni, Shikhar Dhawan, KL Rahul and Hardik Pandya for company along with the some of the support staff members as they watched the movie.
“BHARAT KI TEAM BHARAT MOVIE KE BAAD,” Jadhav posted on his Twitter handle.
— IamKedar (@JadhavKedar)
Kedar’s tweet didn’t evade the eyes of the ‘Bharat’ actor. Replying to Jadhav’s post, the 53-year-old Salman wished Team India for the upcoming matches of the World Cup. Moreover, he thanked his brothers for taking some time out for watching ‘Bharat’ amidst their busy schedule in England.
The Bollywood superstar replied to Kedar, and wrote, “Thank you Bharat team for liking Bharat… shukriya bhaiyon for watching #Bharat in England…best wishes for the upcoming matches… pura #Bharat apke sath hai… #BharatJeetega.”
Thank you Bharat team for liking Bharat… shukriya bhaiyon for watching in England…best wishes for the upcoming matches… pura apke sath hai…
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan)
On every Eid, Salman Khan has a perfect Eidi for his fans and even this time around, it’s no different. On the opening day, the movie clubbed a massive ₹42.3 crores after getting screened in 4,700 screens across India. It also broke the record of his biggest opener till date. After six days, Bharat has earned over a humongous ₹250 crores.