India’s opening batsman in the limited overs format, Rohit Sharma, is well known for smashing the ball out of the park. But this time the HITMAN tried his hands at photography and decided to be the cameraman for his teammate Manish Pandey.
The two shared these moments during Team India’s recent photo shoot for the T20I series in Brisbane.
Directing Pandey to act for the video, Rohit said some encouraging words: “Pretend as if you’re getting ready. It’ll be just 10 seconds. You’ve to do something.”
“I am going to do some direction. Let’s see how it goes. A bit of a camera work rather, not direction actually,” Rohit explained the viewers.
Here’s the video:
MUST WATCH – When Hitman became Cameraman 👀👀
We get behind the scenes as goes behind the lens to profile during a photoshoot – by