Team India’s stylish batsman KL Rahul was spotted with Bollywood actress Nidhhi Agerwal a few days back, which sent the rumour mills in a tizzy. Social media was flooded with pictures of the duo together with many reports claiming that the two are dating.
However, in an interview with NDTV, KL Rahul has cleared the air on his relationship with the Nidhhi, saying that they are just friends and have known each other from a long time. The Karnataka lad said that he would treat his woman “like a princess” and when he does start dating someone, he will not hide it.
“Can’t a guy and girl be friends, is it so hard? I have known her for a long time, we both come from the same city. It’s great to see the progress she is making in her field. We have known each other even when I was a cricketer and she was a Bollywood actress. It was not just me and her hanging out, there were three or four more people from Bangalore. It’s good to catch up with friends and I assure you there is nothing happening. If I am seeing somebody, I’ll make sure everybody knows. I will treat my woman like a princess and not do any hiding,” the 26-year-old was quoted as saying.
Rahul was spotted at an eatery in Mumb🐟ai with the Bollywood actress with a fan page of the cricketer posting pictures of the two.
Rahul played a starring role for Kings XI Punjab in IPL 2018, ending the season in third place in the list of the top run-getters. The right-handed opener amassed 659 runs at an average of 54.91 and a strike rate of 158.41. He finished behind only Rishabh Pant and ‘Orange Cap’ winner Kane Williamson but the opener’s average was the best among the top 10. Only Chennai Super Kings captain MS Dhoni (75.83) had a better average than KXIP star.