MS Dhoni’s wife Sakshi displayed a hundred of stories through her face on Tuesday night as Chennai Super Kings took on Sunrisers Hyderabad in the first Qualifier at the Wankhede stadium in Mumbai. But the most precious moment was the loud cheer at the end when Faf du Plessis steered CSK into their seventh Indian Premier League (IPL) final with a 2-wicket win over SRH.
As Faf du Plessis lofted Bhuvneshwar Kumar straight over his head for the winning runs, the entire CSK stand erupted with joy. Amidst the cheering faces and smiling eyes, Sakshi’s lips curled from ear to ear. The chants of ‘CSK! CSK!’ reverberated around the stadium, as Sakshi stood beaming from the stands with her friends.
The have beaten by 2 wickets and are through to the for the 7th⭕ time. On Sunday, they will be gunning for their third title.
— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL)
With CSK’s win over SRH, Dhoni has become the first player in the history of the IPL to reach the final of the tournament for a record eighth time.
May the 27th be with us! 🦁💛
— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL)