Team India’s opening pair in the limited overs format, Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan, recently learned some new dance steps from the ‘Universe Boss’ Chris Gayle.
The West Indies cricketer’s love for dance is known to the world. His celebrations are quite popular among the fans.
Gayle is a fun guy and is never shy to show off his dancing moves. He did it again during the CEAT Cricket Rating award ceremony in Mumbai 🅷on 💯Monday.
Initially, Rohit wasn’t ready to shake a leg on the stage, but later got convinced after Gayle showed him an easy move. Dhawan was already in the flow and received an applaud too.
All the three players were asked to shake their legs by the host of the evening, Gaurav Kapur. Also, Dhawan taught his special “jatt ji” celebration to Gayle.
Some interesting dance steps taught by the ‘Univeral Boss’ – Chris Gayle
— Harsh Goenka (@hvgoenka)