After Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma, Zaheer Khan-Sagarika Ghatge’s marriage, it looks like Cricket and Bollywood combo has hit an all-time high. Why do we say so? Well, Team India Test opener KL Rahul has recently spotted at the Corniche-At The Water Front in Bandra with Bollywood hottie Nidhhi Agerwal. The duo was seen exiting the restaurant together.
Nidhi wore a smart floral-print crop top and ripped jeans for the dinner date that revealed her sculpted📖 abs, while Rahul chose to go casual with jeans and T-Shirt.
These pi☂ctures of KL Rahul and Niddhi are currently trending on social media and there are🉐 rumours that the duo are secretly dating each other.
Talking about the actress, Nidhhi Agerwal made a mark in Bollywood with her debut film ‘Munna Michael’. The film may have bombed at the box-office, but Nidhhi gained instant stardom.
Nidhhi is not only blessed in the looks department, she’s also a proficient dancer. A few weeks back, a video of the actress broke the internet where she was seen flaunting her dance moves.
Coming to what’s brewing between her and Rahul, we’ll have to wait to see more of these two in public. Or is it again going to be a case of “we’re just friends”.