Indian cricket legend Mahendra Dhoni received the prestigious award from the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, at an investiture ceremony at the Rashtrapati 𓃲Bhawan in New Delhi on Monda✱y.
The൲ 36-year-old, who holds the rank of Honorary Lieutenant ▨Colonel, wore his official uniform of the Territorial Army for the ceremony.
April 2 🎃is a special date in more ways than one for Dhoni. On this day, seven years ago, MSD guided India to the✱ ICC World Cup title at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.
The first citizen of India then put the badge on his uniform and also handed him the letter stating the same. Then again Dhoni saluted the President before ma🌄rching his way back.
Proud looking Sakshi
Mahi’s wife Sakshi was also present at the Rashtrapati Bhavan along with all the dignitaries from the central government and others who gave a huge round of applause from the moment he got up till the time he was done.
The 37-year-old has always stated that he values his position in the army and doesn’t just treat it as one for the namesake. Whenever Dhoni has had substantial time in hand, he has either trained with his regiment or spent time with the jawans in other parts of the country.
He had in the past also stated that after retiring as a professional cricketer he would like to serve the🥃 Indi🅷an Army.