A Chennai-based music VJ, RJ and actress Paloma Rao is hosting the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) season 11. This is not her first cricketing assignment as she hosted the Tamil Nadu Premi💟er League in 2016, 2017 and ღICC Champions Trophy 2017 for Star Sports Tamil.
Paloma, who began her career as a theatre artist has walked the ramp and appeared on the cover of some ofꩵ the biggest brands in the fashion industry.
Here is all that you need to know about Paloma Rao:
1.) Paloma was born on 4th February 1986 in Chennai, India. She has a younger sister Rochelle Rao who is a fam💖ous model, TV presenter and actress.
2.) Paloma is a grad♚uate of B.Sc Visual Communication from Loyola College, Chennai.
3.) In 2004ꦛ she became a VJ on SS Music and hosted the popular shows First Frame, Autograph and Just Connect.