Priya Prakash Varrier, the young Malayalam actress attained fame when her song ‘Manikya Malaraya Poovi’ from the movie ‘Oru Adaar Love’ when viral on the internet, breaking all records.
Priya’s wink and cute smile won the heart of millions of fans all over the world. The song now has over 15 million views and Priya’s Instagram followers have grown over 3 million.
In a recent interview with India TV, the 18-year-old actress revealed who her favorite cricketer is. And 𓄧no, it is not the current Indian captain Virat Kohli. Priya said that she is really fond of former Indian skipper MS Dhoni.
So even though Virat Kohli is the king on the cricketing field, MS Dhoni continues to rule over the hearts of girls, including Pꦯriya Prakash Var꧅rier.
Dhoni, 🅰who has been serving the Indian cricket team since 2004, is no doubt the one of the best Indian captain. He h💟as all 3 ICC trophies under his name.
This IPL season, Dhoni is all set to lead Chennai Super Kings once again. CSK would be facing defending champions Mumbai Indi෴a for the opening match on 7th April 2018 in Mumbai. Both sides will look to start the tournament on the positive note.