Cricketers stealing the heart of Bollywood divas has happened time and again in the past. Harbhajan Singh, Yuvraj Singh, Zaheer Khan, Virat Kohli and few otheꦓrs have married B-Town beauties and are happily🍸 settled with them.
The latest cricketer to join the league is none other than Jasprit B♐umrah, who has found a beautiful fan in the South f💯ilm actress, Raashi Khanna.
In a recent interview given to Amar Ujala, Raashi revealed that she likes cricket and doesn’t miss any of India’s matches. She further admitted that she does not miss any match featuring Jasprit Bumrah.
Raashi likes Bumrah’s bowling immensely and frequently praises the young Indian pacer on social media.
Raashi is big name of South film industry. She has been a part of popular 🔜movies including Jil, Bengal Tiger, Hyper, Shivam etc. I꧑n Bollywood, Raashi has worked in Madras Cafe along with John Abraham.