Malayalam actress Priya Prakash Varrier has taken the internet by storm with just her wink. The Oru Adaar Love film’s actress has become a viral sensation and every day her fan-following is only increasing.
But while the internet is chasing her fandom, the actress had her own fan moment when she met the ‘God of cricket’ Sachin Tendulkar. Priya and her co-star Roshan Abdul Rahoof recently attended the ISL Match between Kerala Blasters and Chennaiyin FC in Kochi.
𒐪The actress was very excited to me💜et the former cricketer. She could not contain her happiness and gleamed while she took a picture with Sachin. It was definitely a fan moment for the 18-year old actress. She was seated in VIP box at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium along with co-actor Roshan Rahoof and cheering for the team Kerala Blasters.
From the looks of Priya’s post on Twitter, it can see how thrilled she was to be in his same vicinity.
Sachin Tendulkar is the owner of the team Kerala Blasters and Priya was obviously happy to be cheering for the team. She and her friend then clicked pictures with the Master Blaster as they posed holding the jersey of the t𒈔eam.