India’s Test specialist Cheteshwar Pujara and his wife Pooja Pabari were blessed with a baby girl on Friday. Pujara shared the good news with his fans and followers on Twitter.
The 29-year-old shared a picture of him holding the newborn with his wife. “Welcome lil one. Excited and super happy for the new roles in our lives. We made a wish and she came true!,” wrote the Rajkot-lad.
Welcoཧme lil one. Excited and super happy for the new roles in our lives. We made a wish and she came true!
— Cheteshwar Pujara (@cheteshwar1)
Pujara earlier on January 1 took to Instagram to break the news that he and his wife were expecting a “little bundle of joy this year”.
Pujara tied the knot with Puja in Rajkot on 13 February 2013.🗹
The right-handed batsman is currently in India as the Men in Blue are playing limited-overs series against South Africa in the ꦉRainbow Nation. Pujara, who brings strength to the Indian cricket team in Test cricket, is not considered for the 50-over or 20-over format.