Bollywood actress Juhi Chawla and industrialist Jay Mehta’s daughter, Jhanvi Mehta, has become the youngest person ever to ever at an IPL auction table. A key member of Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) franchise at the IPL 2018 auction table, the 17-year-old looked quite into the number game.
Though the major focus remained on the players Kolkata team was buying, it 𝔍was hard for people to take their eyes off the mother-daughter duo. Juhi and Jhanvi actively participated in the discussions relatin༒g to the purchases. Jhanvi was spotted right next to their coaches Jacques Kallis and Simon Katch as she kept handling the paddle for a major while.
Here are some interesting facts about Jhanvi Mehta:
1.) Youngest person at the auction table
Jhanvi was bo💞rn on 21st February 2001. Just a few days shy of her 17th birthday, the teenager entered the auction hall and is the youngster ever person to do so.
2.) A topper at school
She completed her 10th standard at the very famous Dhirubhai Ambani School with a C✤GPA of 10. She was amongst the few students from her batch to have achieved an A1🍎 grade in all the subjects.
3.) Currently studying in London
Sh🐼e i𒀰s currently pursuing her education at the Charter House boarding school in London, United Kingdom. Accompanying her to the same Boarding School is her 15-year-old brother Arjun Mehta.
4.) Die-hard fan of Varun Dhawan and Deepika Padukone
There are millions of people in India who ad💞ore Deepika Padukone and V♌arun Dhawan. Both these actors managed to attain great stardom at a very young age. Just like many others, even Jhanvi is a huge fan of both these stupendous actors.
5.) Aims to become a writer
Jhanvi aims to 𝕴become a writer in the future. Juhi has mentioned a lot of🎃 times previously that her daughter is more interested in writing than acting.