After Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma made the official announcement about their wedding, congratulatory messages started to pour in for the lovely couple. But, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh didn’t wish the newlyweds on social media and this raised many eyebrows.
Though Ranveer had liked Anushka and Virat’s wedding pics, Deepika did not convey her good wishes to the couple on social media. Now, gossip mills got busy churning how the two actresses don’t see each other eye to eye because of their history. Deepika is dating Ranveer Singh who was allegedly Anushka Sharma’s boyfriend a long time back.
But a recent report on SpotboyE has quashed all such rumours. It has been reported that Ranveer and Deepika have sent a gorgeous bouquet of exotic flowers to the newlyweds at their new apartment in Worli, Mumbai. The bouquet was also accompanied by a heartfelt note signed by Ranveer and Deepika. Since Virat and Anushka are currently holidaying in Rome, the bouquet was received by their security guard🎉.
Virat and Anushka will soon fly home to host a reception for family members in New De🏅lhi on December 21 and i🍷n Mumbai on December 26 for their friends from Cricket and Bollywood.