India’s hottest couple, Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma, is having a swell time on their honeymoon at an undisclosed location. The newlywed couple posted their very first honeymoon picture through Anushka’s Instagram account on Friday.
Virat and Anushka struck a loved-up pose in a snowy background that could remind one of the iconic scenic locations, straight out of a romantic film. Anushka captioned it, “In heaven, literally”.
‘Virushka’ finally got hitched in an intimate wedding with just family and friends in Italy on December 11, ending all the speculations about their marriage. However, this was just the beginning of a long celebration.
The 💝lovebirds, who are currently honeymooning in Paradise, have planned for a grand reception in New Delhi on December 21st for their relatives and close friends.
Af💜ter the picture of a written reception card went viral, t꧟here is yet another picture we got our hands on.
After planning and pulling off their secret grand destination wedding away from the media glare, Virat and Anushk♊a have also put in a lot of thought in making their reception invite too. It has an attached sapling with each box of invitation.
The duo has already started sending their reception invite to their friends in Mumbai. While Virat has reportedly sent his first invite to Sachin Tendulkar, Anushka has sent hers’ first to Shah Rukh Khan.
Once the reception is held in New Delhi, Virat and Anushka will start inviting all industry friends and cricketing colleagues for the cele💃brations that are set to take place in Mumbai on December 26, 2017.