Team India captain Virat Kohli tied the knot with his longtime Bollywood girlfriend Anushka Sharma in Italy on December 11. The lovely couple which is famously called as ‘Virushka’ is reported to be shifting soon into the luxury apartment in Worli, Mumbai, purchased by Virat in 2016 for Rs. 34 crore.
The pictures of the apartment is bound to make anybody awestruck. It looks lavish and grand. The b✅est part is that it faces the Arabian Sea.
Interestingly, in the same residential project ‘Omkar’, Virat’s former teammate Yuvraj Singh has also booked a flat on the 25th floor.
From the living room to t🐲he swimming, th🐽e apartment has it all.
Here are some pictures of Virushka’s beautiful home:
1.) Bedroom
2.) Dining room
3.) Washroom
4.) Kitchen
5.) Study-room
6.) Terrace
7.) Swimming pool